The Secret Weapon to Speed up Recovery from
Muscle, Tendon and Soft Tissue Injury!
In the realm of sports nutrition and exercise science, creatine monohydrate and glutamine have garnered considerable attention for their roles in enhancing exercise performance and supporting recovery from muscle and soft tissue injuries. Both supplements are widely used among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts due to their scientifically backed benefits. This report explores the advantages ...
Posted on 2024-08-28
Everything about Muscle Knots
You have surely heard your Physio, Chiro or Massage therapist saying, “that is one huge knot” or your friends saying, “I’m all knotted up”. But w...
Posted on 2021-04-14
Why does my pain keep reoccurring?
Physiotherapy helps patients to improve mobility, remain active and reach their specific goals. Sometimes, once the patient has achieved their goals, they may experience a flare up of the previous episode weeks, months or even a couple of years later. This repeated cycle of pain can be very frustrating! This article will list a few of the reasons and contributing factors as to why these recurrences can happen and how you can limit the chanc...
Posted on 2021-03-24
Last week, we spoke of foods that increase inflammation in our body and we created a list that we can avoid or limit on consuming. So this week I decided to throw some light over the food that reduces inflammation. Adopting anti-inflammatory food can help you to not only reduce chronic inflammation but also slow down the aging process but also reduce the risk of various diseases like heart disease, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune d...
Posted on 2021-02-11
Expert Tips for Safely Working From Home and Preventing Back Pain
As I write this, it is March 22, 2020 and we are one week into the clinic closure, social distancing, and chaos in the community all related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some people work from home because they can, and others are now forced to work from home. If you are now avoiding a long commute into the office, this might be a great relief to not have to sit in a car or on the train for an hour each way to...
Posted on 2020-03-22